but as far as I'm concern, there's still a few good, honest and reliable programmes that can be joined; which I'm currently putting my good worthy money in, into them.
as long as you or any reader, who wanted to join, remembers the mantra, J.A.Y.O.R. or Join At Your Own Risk, you've been forewarned enough of its consequences.
these are some programmes that I've put my shares into them:
- 2kali.com - lot pengiklanan
- bisnes pasif bersama bro PoziAbb - lot pengiklanan + bisnes emas
- ClubAsteria - jana pendapatan pasif (ultimate passive = 400usd per week)
- bisnes pasif bersama bro AbeKun - pengiklanan + profit sharing
- AgroMulty Trading - keli organik + profit sharing
- VGMC - gold bisnes (online forex + offline)
- bisnes pasif bersama bro EmanBiz - pengiklanan + blog + profit sharing
there's a lot more of these kind of programmes that can be chose by readers that caters their own personal motives when joining. for me, these are just some programmes that can help me to generate extra incomes when no one else can help you, especially, in the middle of the month.
i am, in no way, promoting these business to those who wants to get a lot of money in the shortest span of time. these are not get-rich-quick-scheme. if you want it that way, it's up to you. i'm just sharing the few programmes that i trust. that's all.
P/s: Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.
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