after seeing various blogs with various subjects, I've decided to put up a new blog with these subjects:
1. photography
2. language and literature
3. music
4. passive income
the first subject, i wanted to follow some blogger's who put photos with quotes or words for everyday. this is indeed a challenge for me who kind of, like to procrastinate somewhere along the way. but this is a definite challenge for me personally, to evoke the sense of discipline and diligence again from within myself.
the second subject would deal with what I've read, what I've been reading, books that i love, authors that invoke awe in my mind and stuff like that. within this subject also. I'd hope to resurrect my writings, either in poetry, or short stories or pieces of my novel(s).
for music, well, some readers (if any) would probably disappointed with my future posts, for what i have in mind for this subject, might be rendered as tasteless, or outdated but still, if anyone enjoys them, well, good for them.
the last subject touches on some businesses that I've joined that had helped me to generate passive income for me. now bear in mind for readers, i am in no way, promoting the business without clearly explaining them first. if you're attracted to any of them, just remember this simple principle, J.A.Y.O.R. or, Join At Your Own Risk!
alright, my next post would have a picture i had taken with my hand-phone, i-mobile dc5210, quite reliable phone, so far.
P/s: Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss
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